Be Sure To Follow The Directions Below
All Trucks Need To Take East End Ave To Main St
I-80 westbound to exit 160A onto SR-394 (Bishop Ford Fwy)
South approx 5 miles
Exit onto US-30/Lincoln Highway westbound approx 3 miles
Turn South on East End Ave for ½ mile
Turn East (left) at 3rd stop sign (Main Street)
I-80 Eastbound to Exit onto SR-1/Halsted St.
South continuing approx 4.5 miles
Turn West (right) on US-30/Lincoln Highway
preparing to turn right again at the next stoplight
Turn South on East End Ave for ½ mile
Turn East (left) at 3rd stop sign (Main Street)
I-294/Tri-State towards Indiana
Merge onto I-80 Eastbound for approx 2 miles
Exit South onto SR-1/Halsted St. for approx 4.5 miles
Turn East (left) on US-30/Lincoln Highway
preparing to turn right at the next stoplight
Turn South on East End Ave for ½ mile
Turn East (left) at 3rd stop sign (Main Street)
I-57 Northbound to Exit 340 onto US-30/Lincoln Highway
for approx 5 miles
Turn South on East End Ave for ½ mile
Turn East (left) at 3rd stop sign (Main Street)

211 E. Main Street Chicago Heights, IL 60411
© Chicago Heights Steel
Phone Number: 1 (708) 756-5648 | Toll Free: 1 (800) 424-4487 | Fax Number: 1 (708) 756-5628
Phone Number: 1 (708) 756-5648
Toll Free: 1 (800) 424-4487
Fax Number: 1 (708) 756-5628
211 E. Main Street Chicago Heights, IL 60411

© Chicago Heights Steel